Yield Coffee Roasters

A Cup of Change

We’re on a mission to be the most impactful specialty coffee roaster, pound for pound, in the world.

A Cup of Change

What Coffee Should Be

Our mission is to tell the remarkable stories of the producers, families, and communities behind our exceptional coffees. We are committed to creating lasting change through the vehicle of specialty coffee.

Our Approach To Sustainable Development

We source our coffee through direct-trade relationships with farmers, cooperatives, and their communities, ensuring full transparency.

Three levels of impact

Our coffee must meet three essential criteria: it must be specialty grade (scoring 80+ on the SCA scale), it must be exceptionally delicious, and it must have a positive impact on the coffee farmers and their communities by promoting dignity and wellbeing.

Partner with Us
Coffee Producers:

We pay coffee producers 2x - 3x more than the market rate. This premium paid to the coffee producers is helping to end the cycle of poverty.

Local Communities:

We work with local nonprofits, NGOs, and social initiatives to improve the quality of life in our communities.

Global Projects:

Each year we invest 10% of our profits into sustainable development projects in coffee producing countries. These initiatives are giving people hope for a brighter future. Many of these initiatives are carried out in partnership with The Chain Collaborative.

Brewing a Better Future

It's more than just good coffee; it’s knowing the farmers by name. It’s giving them a way to break the cycle of economic poverty and to invest in sustainable development around the world.

Because of your support, we've been able to accomplish many things, including:

Supporting students in Nicaragua by funding the construction of a new classroom in Nicaragua and providing scholarships to students to cover bus fares, school supplies, after-school care and mental health services

Conducting soil analyses and expanding processing infrastructure for farmers in Mexico so producers can improve their coffee quality and achieve higher prices

Supporting local students in Mexico to offer Nahautl classes to preserve their community’s native language and culture

Working with a farmers’ association in the Ecuadorian Amazon focused on regenerative agriculture and forest conservation by building a crop storage facility to improve coffee quality and increase market access.